Saturday, May 20, 2023

Allen Ginsberg Reading in Albuquerque / May of '67

 Allen Ginsberg Reading In Albuquerque, At the Thunderbird Bar
in Placitas, At the San Felipe Feast Day Corn Dance

Letter to poet Ronald Johnson (author of The Green Man) from Larry Goodell, Placenta (Placitas), NM May 23, 1967

Ronald . .

Ginsberg gathering after his reading at the U[niversity of New Mexico] was a glittering affair – out here at the Thunderbird [Bar in Placitas] no less, packed with hippies & other type love seekers, great reading [in Albuquerque] packed house, love I swear everywhere, Keith Wilson (from Las Cruces) with just [about] all his students came up [after] the reading and so they and I split from the Thunderbird and my God there was an entourage to my place and party of mostly strange friendly faces here. I love Allen’s American Journal things, right up to his arrival in Albuquerque and Emmet (the chief Digger) read some Kirby Doyle things, don’t know where they came from, then Larry Bird, the Santo Domingo Indian friend of Snyder’s and Ginsberg’s, DELIVERED a long poem abt the hunter, hunted, eagle, prey, flights unforgettable to me and Ann (Quin) and Bill (Latif Harris) and I guess just abt everybody there. Then Allen, back to read some more, a good sex poem that is where he is now folks.

AND at the San Felipe [Pueblo] Feast Day May 1st windy day, corn dances, Ginzy was there with short-haired Peter (Orlofsky) and Julius (Orlofsky) and othees. I sat and talked with him awhile, he really dug the dance, two clans at one last point out there dancing at once, counter-rhythms (I told Allen a little about [my listening to] Ives, & hearing the two marching bands at once), and the little kids got tickled every time they came around, dancing in front of Allen, I guess all his hair and sitting there moving to the drum beats. ///God is it dry here, they danced the corn dance over Sunday. 

/// So, just bits here, hope to see you June 8th or 12th, for example. Ken Irby had THE GREEN MAN, liked it, read out to us a couple beautiful parts, so hello and love from me & Bill [Latif Harris] also . . . 

Yes, Larry
