Saturday, July 8, 2017

Free Speech Poetry

Free speech poetry is in almost every locality. It’s at odds or even oblivious to traditional national or international poetry. It bypassed the throttling mumblings of socalled "language poetry." And it remains concurrent with the formalism of MFA poet teachers poetry, but it has slammed in and out of slam renewing the Ginsberg/New American Poetry Revolution which continues on.

Free speech poetry is vital in its reading performance lead, more in larger towns and cities of course. Publish on demand services such as Createspace bring books out from individuals and cooperative friends as well as established presses. Locality ignites poets because of the living availability of readings therein.

The vitality of readings across most towns is spread by email and social messaging. Open readings and/or featured readers attract poets, would be poets and friends. At this point almost every poet can have a book or new book to sell and trade with others. Proliferation of poetry books by poets themselves assures locality even when poets go places and explore the network of other non establishment poets. The locality of publication is the result of being ignored by both the East and West Coast publisher and university establishments, the longstanding lack of interest made even worse in financially strained times.

All poetry is local when you get down to it. And worthy of celebration in America 2017.

larry goodell / placitas, new mexico / 8Jul2017
